Typically Credit Cards do not work for 1 of 2 reasons.

First, your Dumpster Service Location is where you need the Dumpster Rental to be delivered. Folks confuse that with the Billing address. Your Billing Address is where your credit card statements go. Usually your home or office.

Second, cards fail for verification reasons. We're serious about keeping your financial information secure. We verify you address, zip code, and cvv infomrmation to make sure that it is you using your card. Sometime people slip a didget in an address or zip code. Or may have problems reading their CVV (I know I have to reach for my reading glasses every time).

Contact the DumpsterSource.com call center, 1-800-995-8212., if you have problems with your card. We can usually help. (We have a guy named Rich who is an expert on why credit cards fail)